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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The truth about fluorescence in diamonds

Fluorescence - What is it? What the Big deal?

To the uninitiated, fluorescence is just another bombastic word used to describe a characteristic of a faceted diamond.

Was at a local jewellery shop today in Singapore, which is famous for selling low end jewellery when I overhead a sales person promoting a strongly fluorescent diamond as something very rare, that shows a blue colour even in a pail of water.

Now, this is so wrong, as blue is the complimentary color to yellow, the most common tinted color in diamonds, blue fluorescence can make yellowish diamonds look white or colorless. However, that does not make it valuable in high quality stones as there might be some oiliness in the diamond...

So is it ethical for the shop to promote fluorescent diamonds as valuable since what they sell are not graded independently and just labelled as 'commercial graded diamonds'? Buyers please be more aware of this when you step into any store!

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